Combined Invoicing

This option is used to allow the grouping on the same invoice form, several calls invoiced for the same contract or several calls invoiced to the same customer.

Invoiced customer Section

Customer Code

This field is optional and allows selecting transactions concerning one specific customer.

Invoice Type*

This field allows identifying the transaction type to recover for the grouping according to an invoice already posted or according to an invoice to post.


This field is optional and allows selecting specific contract transactions.

Detail Tab


This field allows entering the date of the statement (account statement) for a group invoice already accounted; otherwise, it’s the date of the invoice for a group invoice to account.

Due Date

This field allows entering a due date for the invoice in the case of a grouped invoice to account. If you don’t indicate anything, at saving time, the system will calculate a due date according to credit terms entered in the customer’s card. Furthermore, if there are no terms of credit specified in the customer’s card, the system will enter the transaction date as the due date.


This field allows indicating an invoice number manually or may be left open at the sale to account grouped transfer, if you whish that the system automatically allocates an invoice number according to the sale department invoice numbering sequence. Warning! if you manually allocate an invoice number and transfer your invoice, you will have to do a reprinting of the invoice instead of a simple printing of invoices because for the system, you are doing a manual invoicing.


This field allows entering an invoicing address that will only serve for this invoice.


This field displays the sale amount (including taxes) according to data entered in the breakdown grid.

Credit Terms

This field displays the credit terms entered in the customer card; it’s possible to modify the credit terms for the invoice. This field will only be use for the invoicing group of the type Invoice to post.

Purchase Order

This field allows entering a purchase order number for the invoice.

AR Account*

This field allows entering a GL AR account that will be affected by the transaction for the grouped Invoice to account only. If you have specified a GL AR account in the contracts management, the later will display in this field; otherwise, the system will take the AR account set in the Billing information section on Configuration option of the service calls module.

Disc Acct.*

This field allows entering the GL discount account that will be affected by the transaction for the group invoicing to account only. If the Billing information section on configuration option has been completed, the discount account will display by default.


This field displays the revenue group that will be affected by the sale.


If need be, you may indicate the salesperson code that closed the sale for the grouped invoicing to account only. If you have entered a sale person code in the Contracts Management, the later will display by default when selecting the call; it’s possible to change it for the invoice. The salesperson code must previously be created in the Invoicing – Maintenance - CustomersSalesperson Managementmodule. By pressing on the F7 key or by clicking on the Search button, the software allows direct access to the Salesperson Management: if your security level allows it, select the Modify or the New option from the Search window, that will allow to correct or add a salesperson card; otherwise, just select the salesperson.


If you use the Currency Management, this field allows the selection of the currency of the invoice (Canadian or American currency). If you don’t use the currencies, the system invoices by default in Canadian dollars.


When at YES and that the sale transaction is saved, this field allows transferring the transaction. If the transaction is at NO, the system will keep the transaction in the non-transferred sales and will prohibit the transaction transfer as long as the later is not at YES.

Memo Tab

This section allows entering a printable text field on you invoice form.

Breakdown Section


This field displays by default the description entered in the prepared invoicing with the objective to group invoices.

Warning! It’s impossible to modify the fields hereunder. You must have made modifications in the Invoicing option before grouping invoices.


For each of the calls invoiced, this field displays the location of the works.


This field displays the purchase order of the invoiced call.


This field displays the invoice number for invoices group of the type Invoices already accounted.


This field displays general ledger account affected by the sale when invoicing from the invoicing option.


This field displays the contract of the invoiced call.

Call Number

This field displays the call number.


This field displays the quantity invoiced.


This field displays the unit price invoiced.

Disc Rate

This field displays the discount rate.


This field displays the sub-total (before taxes) of the invoiced call.

Tax 1

This field displays the amount of taxes invoiced for each line of the breakdown.

Tax 2

This field displays the amount of taxes invoiced for each line of the breakdown.


This field displays the total amount of the invoice by call.

Note: Taxes can be calculated on the invoice’s total amount or for each detailed line. For more information, please refer to the Configuration online help (F1) available through the following menu path: maestro* Service Management Maintenance Configuration Configuration. The appropriate mode can be selected by checking the Do not automatically balance taxes parameter (in the Billing Information option).


This field displays the project affected by the call.

Display Customer Master Screen Icon

If your security level allows it, this option allows direct access to the customer management to update, if necessary, the customer’s information.

Open Contract Management

If your security level allows it, this option allows direct access to the Contracts Management screen, to examine the contract information or modify information such as the address, etc.

Additional Fields Tab

See section <<Additional Fields>>

* Mandatory Field